Water For Africa Mini: Polak Family

I love what I do, and I love working with children and families.  The first Saturday in June was dedicated to mini-sessions and helping families in Africa...the best of both worlds!  I want to say a BIG thank you to the Polak Family for coming out to the fundraiser.  I had a wonderful time meeting you all.  

the fam
These boys...so stinkin' cute!

There is nothing like family...

Hold onto each other tight!  That is the best feeling in the world! I can't wait to meet up with you all again!

Water For Africa Mini: Maternity

There are many blessings that happen around us everyday.  On Saturday, June 1st, I was so happy to be apart of a blessing that will reach others in Africa.  Thank you, Melissa, for being apart of that blessing too!  Coming out to the fundraiser and giving to those who need clean water wells, even though they are oceans away, is amazing.  

And may I just say, you are absolutely stunning!


 And this is one of my favorites...

great idea, Melissa, love it :)
 Good luck with everything in the coming months, Melissa.  Enjoy this time and enjoy your little bambino.

the little guy

Water For Africa Mini: Little Miss Elsa

The fundraising Mini Sessions on June 1st were a blessing to so many including me!  I was so blessed to work with so many little miracles, including this adorable little gal, Miss Elsa.

can you imagine "Bubble Guppies" theme song in the background?
What a charmer!  She really knows how to turn it on...I wonder where she gets it, Mom or Dad?....Both?

my favorite <3
all smiles
Thank you, Elsa, for bringing a little joy into my day. 

baptism beauty

 And to the Grays, thank you for your donation to help families in Africa find clean water sources.  Such an awesome gift to give.

Water For Africa Mini: Teed Girls

Here are some lovely ladies who came out for the fundraising Mini Sessions on June 1st.  It was a great time.  Thank you, Teed Family, for your donation to help get clean water wells to African families; it was so appreciated!

mom appropriately named this the "Ava-Monster" picture
Saturday, was full of laughs and sisterly love...

I am so glad to have met these little misses!

Miss Ava

Miss Emma

Miss Bella

Finally Spring!

This year's Spring, for outdoor photography, was almost a complete loss!  The weather was just awful...one day of sun, three days of rain, two days of snow and then back to sun....sigh.  Finally, at the end of May, we hit a great weekend!  I had to drive to Ohio to get it, but it was a pleasure meeting up with the Teagues again!

the Teague Family

I was so glad we were able to get together for another session...and that the weather cooperated.  I cannot believe how much these two have grown since last year! 
preview of last year's session

As they have grown in size, so have they grown in love...  

my personal favorite <3
even during the not-so-happy times.

Somehow, we were always able to turn those frowns upside down.

Thanks again, Natalie and Josh, for allowing me to work with your family!  It is always so much fun.  Enjoy and have a fun filled Summer!