Welcome Baby Comben.

Waiting...it is not always what it is cracked up to be. 
 Surprise...now that is worth waiting for. 

mom & dad awaiting their surprise

Meet Jess and Matt.  They know all about waiting vs. surprise.  They waited nine months to find out the sex of their baby...what troopers!  And I had the pleasure of meeting their new little one of few weeks ago.  Please help me welcome Master Ben.

peaceful little man

smiley boy
the joy of mommy

sweet slumber

What a sweetheart he is!  On the day of the shoot, he was so snuggly and content, even though he had a little bit of a tough time adjusting to his new surroundings during the photo session...

baskets are hard to connect with sometimes
But Mommy knew exactly what to do.
shushing at its best <3

And Ben settled right down.

When it was time to move, Daddy helped too.

Congratulations to the three of you!
  I look forward in watching Ben grow. 
we make three