A year in review...

I have had a blast this year.  Each photo session spent with my clients has been amazing!  I enjoyed meeting new and old faces, working with families, and branching out in ways I had never expected.  It has been a fabulous year...but where did it go?  Time has flown, the year is over, and yet, the memories will be forever captured in print...the blessings of photography.

a year in review
I cannot believe that we are saying goodbye to 2012!  This has been a year of growth for both my business and family.  My husband is persistently working to get through nursing school and adjusting to new clinical schedules every 7 weeks...I am so proud of him!  Through this, I have been venturing out on my own, trying to tackle this "new business" thing and I have been really pleased with everyone's response and support...thank you!  Also, I could not have done this without the support of my husband and parents (both sets), and also my second pair of hands, Ms. Emily.  You all have made such a difference this year and for that I am forever grateful.

a sampling from Franklin Community Preschool picture day,
Ms. Emily, my assistant & (of course!) Louie the monkey

What an adventurous year this has been (we even survived the Mayans!).  In a way, I am slightly saddened to see it close.  But with new beginnings come new opportunities and ideas, and that is one thing that I am really excited for.  I cannot wait to see what 2013 has in store for me, my husband, my family and my business.  I really could not have started this thing without you and your interest!  I treasure every person I've met along the way and cannot wait for what the new year holds.

my dearest family (some not pictured...camera shy, I'll get 'em one of these days)

Best wishes to all.  I'll see you on the other side of 2012...
camera in hand.
Amber Gregg, owner and photographer at Simply Portrayed